Dog at vaccination drive in Sierra Leone 2017

Previous campaigns

Learn about some of the achievements we've made for animals in disasters, wildlife, community animals, and farm animals.

Animals in communities

We moved the world to protect the one billion animals that live in communities.

Animals in disasters

Disasters injure and kill millions of animals each year. For 55 years, we deployed to disaster zones to assist animals – and reminded governments to take responsibility for them too.

Protecting animals from bushfires

The Australian bushfires in 2019-20 impacted the lives of over three billion animals by either killing, severely injuring, or displacing them.

Humane slaughter: how we reduced animal suffering

From 2007 to 2015, our work to promote humane slaughter in Brazil and China helped more than eight billion animals.

Sea Change: tackling ghost fishing gear

Abandoned, lost and discarded nets, lines and traps known as ‘ghost gear’ are one of the biggest threats to our sea life.

CITES: Regulating the global wildlife trade


You might not have heard of it – but here’s why the work of United Nations’ Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is vital.

Freeing bears from captivity

We worked in Romania to free bears that are being kept in captivity.

Ending bear baiting

We worked to stop bears being cruelly exploited in bear baiting – an inhumane bloodsport where bears, unable to defend themselves, battle against trained dogs for entertainment.

Plan ahead to protect your pet

Natural emergencies can occur at any time, and without a plan you could make panicked decisions that threaten the safety of your pet, yourself and your family.

Wild dolphins in Algoa Bay, South Africa

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