Word Animal protection staff during our animal in communities campaign

Protecting animals in communities

Dogs play a vital role in communities worldwide. We moved the world to protect them.

We created better lives for dogs

We found the most effective ways to protect animals in communities – and then we acted. We helped governments to manage dog populations humanely and to vaccinate against rabies, instead of culling dogs. We shared advice on responsible pet ownership. We prevented working animals being overworked and abused. We did whatever was necessary to protect animals in communities worldwide.

Thanks to our supporters, we have helped dogs all over the world. 

  • Vaccinated 1.6 millions dogs against rabies since 2013
  • Vaccinated 70% of dogs in Makueni county, Kenya, which is the amount needed to eliminate rabies
  • Ran successful education programmes in Brazil and China
  • Our Red Collar campaign proved that vaccination is the most effective approach to prevent rabies
Staff member with dog at vaccination drive, Brazil

We worked to end inhumane dog culling

We moved governments worldwide to end the inhumane culling of millions of dogs each year – culling dogs is not the solution to rabies – the only way to eliminate the virus is through vaccination.

Vaccinating at least 70% of the dogs in an area creates ‘herd immunity’, slowing the spread of rabies until it dies out.

So we worked with governments to develop vaccination plans that involve local communities and address the specific problems people face.

Our solution

Millions of dogs are culled each year – in fruitless efforts to stop rabies spreading. Through our work to stop dogs suffering, we:

  • Moved governments to vaccinate dogs and stop dog culling,
  • Organised training to help people understand that dog culling can’t end rabies,
  • Demonstrated that vaccinations aren’t only humane – they work.

Stray dog population management

Humane alternatives to dog culling don’t only exist – they’re the most effective way to manage dog populations.

Three decades of experience

We advised governments on humane dog population management for 30 years. And while we know there are risks from stray dog populations – diseases, aggressive behaviour, damage to livestock – we also know that culling is never an answer. In fact, the misconception that culling is the most effective way of reducing dog populations causes enormous suffering.

world animal protection homepage

Our solution

We followed the ICAM dog population management methodology. It’s a full cycle of action, which we use to help governments control dog populations humanely. The solutions we reached together can involve educating owners, legislation, dog registration, vaccination, sterilisation, rehoming – or a combination of some or all of these. We helped governments to monitor and evaluate progress too, ensuring we create humane change that lasts.

What we do

Working around the world to end the needless suffering of animals by inspiring people to change animals’ lives for the better.

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Your support is key to bringing an end to animal suffering across the world.

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