Take action
Take action today by signing our petitions and pledging to protect wildlife and farm animals.
Thank you for protect wild animals by reducing the demand for cruel, captive wildlife entertainment when you travel.
Please help us get the message out to make more people aware of the cruelty suffered by wild animals used in entertainment.
By spreading the word, we can encourage others to make animal friendly choices on holiday and reduce demand for animal entertainment to stop the abuse and protect these animals.
Take action today by signing our petitions and pledging to protect wildlife and farm animals.
Every animal deserves a life worth living – from captive lions used for trophy hunting to mother pigs in cages in factory farms.
Don’t be part of this ugly picture. Sign our Wildlife Selfie Code now, and help filter cruelty out of selfies.
Wild animals are captured, taken from their natural habitats or bred in captivity, suffering a lifetime of cruelty and abuse. Some are beaten into submission, deprived of food and water or trapped in concrete cages - all for the tourist dollar.
No matter how well they are looked after in captivity, a wild animal's needs can only be fully met in their wild environment. And there’s no more special or exciting way to see them.
No matter how well they are looked after in captivity, a wild animal's needs can only be fully met in their natural environment. And there’s no more special or exciting way to see them.
Chinh, the sweet Asiatic black bear whose freedom you helped negotiate, has finally transitioned to the outdoor enclosure...
Dior has claimed to have used “naturally moulted” feathers for the feathered outfit worn by Lady Gaga at...
Did you know Australia exported over 1.37 million animals overseas in 2021 alone? Here’s a quick guide on...