A pig. Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media

Solicitor and executor information

If you are a solicitor or personal executor dealing with an estate that includes a gift/bequest to World Animal Protection Australia, the following information will help in the process of fulfilling the deceased's last wishes.
Image credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media

Please let us know about any bequest that is due to us by writing to:

World Animal Protection
Level 2, 120 Christie Street
St Leonard
NSW 2065

If you have any queries, please contact Hayley Gallery, Philanthropy Manager
Call 0433 921 048 or email

Former name/other addresses

The following name and address for World Animal Protection may also appear on a will, but please send all correspondence to the Level 2, 120 Christie Street address above.

Former Name: WSPA
World Society for the Protection of Animals
Level 1, 39 Chandos Street St Leonards NSW 2065

How to make a legacy payment

Cheques should be made payable to World Animal Protection Limited, together with all correspondence, to the Bequest Manager. If it is preferred to make remittance by direct transfer, please contact us for details.

Pecuniary and specific legacies

If a person has left World Animal Protection Limited a pecuniary or specific legacy, please provide the following details:

  • Name of the deceased
  • Last address of the deceased and any former addresses
  • Value of the legacy (if known)
  • A photocopy of the relevant will clause
  • Date of the Grant of Probate or Grant of Confirmation (once known, if applicable)

Residuary legacies

If a person has left World Animal Protection a residuary legacy, please provide us with the following details. These are needed to meet our auditor’s requirements:

  • Name of the deceased
  • Last address of the deceased and any former addresses
  • A photocopy of the will and any codicils
  • Date of the Grant of Probate or Grant of Confirmation
  • A schedule of assets and liabilities
  • Valuations of significant assets
  • A copy of the estate accounts

World Animal Protection
Charity Fundraising Number: 16458
Australian Business Number: 19 083 297 027

Leave animals a gift in your Will

Become an Animal Protector For Ever

Animals in all corners of the world will benefit from your touching gift, now and into the future.

Why consider World Animal Protection in your will?

All across the globe, World Animal Protection supporters have protected millions of animals and helped people understand the importance of animal protection.

Write your will online

You don’t have to include a gift to World Animal Protection, but we hope you will consider it, after providing for your loved ones. Every animal deserves to live a life worth living.