Is your super funding animal cruelty?
66% of Australians don’t know where their super is invested, do you? Your fund could be investing in a range of practices that contribute to animal cruelty without your knowledge.
Image credit: Farm Transparency Project
It’s your super fund’s job to invest your money, but do you know where that money is going?
Did you know 90% of major super funds don’t have a public position on animal welfare? It’s important to be informed about the industries your super fund may be invested in.
Here’s where some Australian super funds are investing their members’ money.
Live animal export
Australian farm animals are exported in crowded, stressful conditions to offshore destinations where they can often face cruel or inhumane slaughter conditions. Our sheep and cattle suffer this fate every year.
Despite the industry’s promises to improve these conditions, they have failed time and time again. Numerous videos have been leaked from approved Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) supply chains showing violent and cruel treatment of exported cattle. This includes tail twisting, excessive electrical prodding, violent slaughter without the use of a stun and more.
Intensive farming
On average per capita, Australians consume the second highest amount of meat globally. This over consumption of farmed animals has led to mass production in factory farm conditions to produce larger volumes of cheaper products.
The conditions of these intensive farming settings completely disregard the animal’s quality of life. They diet is nutrient poor with high volumes of antibiotics, and they suffer in tight, crowded, low light spaces that prevent natural behaviours.
Cosmetic animal testing
Thousands of live rabbits, rats and mice are subjected to animal cosmetic testing. During these experiments, chemicals are applied to their shaved skin and eyes or forcibly ingested, sometimes leading to their death. These animals will experience unnecessary fear, suffering and pain during these experiments. Often if they do live, they are needlessly killed after the experiment is complete.
While cosmetic animal testing is illegal in Australia, many brands on our shelves still do test on animals. There is also a loophole in the 2019 ban that still allows for cosmetics to contain products tested on animals.
Prevent animal cruelty today
You can find out if your fund has an animal welfare policy by visiting our super fund ranking table now.
How the factory farming industry is funded
Factory farming
Factory farming operations are typically financed by banks and investors, who allocate resources to industries that yield maximum profits.
Is your super funding animal cruelty?
Financing factory farming
It's the super industry's dirty secret, did you know that 90% of major super funds don’t have a public position on animal welfare?