Wolf rescued from war-torn Ukraine alive today because of you
Back in April this year, you helped fund the transport of Bolik the rescued bear and Elza the wolf from the Romanian border to our partner sanctuary Libearty.
Without the help of kind help of people like you, Elza’s life-threatening tumour may not have been found.
Bolik, a 15-year-old male bear, and Elza, a seven-year-old female wolf, made the long journey after being rescued from a circus in war-torn Ukraine.
For years they had lived in dirty little cages, and the sudden sound of bombs and smell of fire must have been terrifying.
But even after her rescue, Elza’s ordeal wasn’t over. Sanctuary vets discovered a life-threatening tumour on her uterus. Elza wouldn’t have lived much longer if it hadn’t been found.
Thanks in part to your generous support, vets were able to remove the tumour and Elza is doing well.
Cristina Lapis, Founder of Libearty said:
Elza now has the chance to face the forest that she never knew. To step on the grass, on the earth, to listen to the wind and the birds singing, to see the sky without bars...
Elza will stay in quarantine at the sanctuary so the vets can continue to monitor her, as wolves are usually quite shy and will avoid humans if they can. Bolik has been released and is enjoying his new life at the sanctuary.
Thank you for helping to bring Bolik and Elza to Libearty, and for saving Elza’s life.
With you by our side, we’re working with partner organisation, AMP, and local charities in Ukraine to identify animals in need of help.

Our wildlife work
Around the world, wild animals are being exploited. They’re hunted down, trapped and farmed in captivity, all to be sold and abused for entertainment, medicine, fashion, pets and products.

Our work
We're working in Australia and around the world to end the needless suffering of animals by inspiring people to change animals’ lives for the better.