19 day old broiler chicken in an indoor system

What is a Flexitarian?


The Flexitarian movement aims to educate and influence people about the benefits of eating plant-based foods and alternative meat products, while eating high welfare meat only in moderation.

Unlike vegans and vegetarians, Flexitarians don’t completely cut meat from their diets, they simply limit the amount of animal protein in their meal choices.

Rather than elimination diets that use an all-or-nothing approach that may not last, the Flexitarian diet uses small steps to make collective changes, benefitting your health, animals and the environment.

With global meat and dairy consumption currently growing at a staggering rate, factory farming systems prioritise efficiency at the expense of animal welfare, resulting in increased animal suffering and cruelty.

Chickens and pigs in factory farms are kept in cramped, crowded spaces. Chickens are bred through extreme genetic selection to reach slaughter weight quickly, resulting in painful lameness and injury.

In addition to extreme animal suffering, global factory farming is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all trains, cars and airplanes in the world combined, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation. The Flexitarian diet also helps our planet by needing fewer resources, which in turn makes this lifestyle more sustainable.

Everyone can make a difference

With all of these benefits, we recommend everyone give Flexitarianism a try.

If every person reduces his or her meat intake millions of animals will not suffer life in a factory farm, and it will make our planet better for future generations.

Small changes that can make BIG impacts:

  • Join the Meatless Monday movement and remove meat from your meals for one day a week;
  • Become Flexitarian and eat plant-based three days a week (or more if you can);
  • Modify your existing recipes so that they contain less meat and more vegetables
  • Keep it interesting! Continue to try new recipes and remember to spice it up with new flavours to remain satisfied and committed;
  • Switch to plant-based meat alternatives (e.g. Impossible Foods or Beyond products);
  • Ask your favourite restaurants and local grocers to carry meat-alternative products so more people can make an impact;
  • Pay attention to the changes that you experience with a healthier, plant-based diet and don’t be afraid to share with others;
  • Persuade friends and family to join you switching to more plant-based protein.

Together, we can move the world to protect billions of farm animals from cruelty and suffering.

(Header Image Credit: World Animal Protection / Georgina Goodwin)

A flexitarian diet uses small steps to make collective changes

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