Victory for Australian sheep: live sheep exports to officially end by 2028
Thanks to your dedicated support, Australian sheep will no longer suffer in the barbaric live export trade from May 1st, 2028, as Parliament passes the historic Bill to end live sheep exports by sea.
It’s a massive victory for animal lovers around Australia and most importantly for sheep as the ban was officially enshrined in law on Monday night following a vote in Parliament.
Despite some last-minute attempts to delay the passage of the legislation, the Senate voted for an end to this barbaric trade by May 1st, 2028.
Your unwavering support and choice to act on your compassion will help safeguard millions of sheep from this barbaric trade. Here’s just a few of the many actions you took to end live sheep exports in Australia:
- 2010: World Animal Protection supporters, along with the Body Shop and 60,000 Aussies call for an end to live export
- 2012: World Animal Protection supporters help gather nearly 200,000 signatures again live export in the lead up to the federal election
- 2013: Supporters like you help commission research into the economic impacts of phasing out live exports

Image credit: Animals Australia
- 2014 - 2016: World Animal Protection supporters helped launch a social media campaign and publicly supported an independent inquiry into the animal export regulatory system
- 2019: 11,500 animal lovers like you added their name to an open letter and full-page ad in the Australian Financial Review calling on the Prime Minister to phase out live exports
- 2022: 2,429 animal lovers like you emailed their federal MP urging them not to support live exports in the northern summer
- 2023: Supporters like you took the fight to parliament house by adding your name to our “End Live Export” advertising. You also supported a panel submission calling for an end to live export
- 2024: The Australian government commits to a phase out of live sheep export by 2028 and legislates the date!

Many of our sheep lose their precious lives during these long, hot and overcrowded voyages of cruelty. Those who do survive these gruelling journeys are often roughly handled and brutally slaughtered in destination countries.
Thanks to the dedication, perseverance and advocacy of animal lovers like you, the historic ban is now finally set in stone and it’s an official baa-bye to this brutal trade.
Thank you for playing a crucial role in getting this law across the line. Together, we’ve ended the barbaric trade of live sheep exports by sea. Forever.

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Factory farming traps farmed animals in an endless cycle of abuse and cruelty. This tragedy will only worsen as demand for meat grows globally.

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Every day, pigs, cows and chickens are crammed in together in unhealthy conditions, subjected to horrific cruelty and then slaughtered.

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