You’re putting pressure on the Hanoi government to end bear bile farming
A ‘Bear Coalition,’ which includes World Animal Protection, Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV) and FOUR PAWS, called upon the Hanoi People’s Committee (PC) to take decisive action to end bear bile farming in Hanoi province in Vietnam, in a recent media briefing.
The Vietnam government's decision to make bear bile farming illegal in 2005 was a positive step for bears. That year, the country recorded a total of 4,300 bile bears held captive in bile farms. This number has dropped down to 294 bears in 2022. In addition, 40 out of 63 provinces in Vietnam are now bile-bear free.
However, Hanoi is still a hotspot for bear bile farming – the province is home to 51% of the remaining bile bears in Vietnam. Clearly, the Hanoi government is lagging behind other provinces when it comes to stopping the exploitation of bears by this cruel industry.
Thanks to your support, World Animal Protection staff appealed to the Hanoi government to protect bears from bile farming.
You urged the Hanoi government to take the following actions:
- Strengthen bear bile farm monitoring and inspections
- Confiscate bears being kept illegally kept on bear farms
- Ensure strict prosecution and punishment for serious violations
- Enact a breeding ban on private bear farms
- Convince bear bile business owners to voluntarily transfer their bears to authorities without compensation
- Promote herbal and other humane alternatives to bear bile.
What about the bears?
Thanks to you, bears who are rescued or surrendered from bile farms spend the rest of their lives in sanctuaries across Vietnam.
In sanctuaries like FOUR PAWS’ international gold-standard sanctuary in Ninh Binh, bears live close to nature in a semi-wild environment. They are well-cared for, with rich diets and veterinary care. Bears in sanctuaries are free to carry out natural behaviours like running, climbing and swimming.
Meet one bear who is doing just that – Tai. He's one of the newest furry residents at Ninh Binh sanctuary.
Image: Tai in his element at Ninh Binh Sanctuary (Credit: Ninh Binh Sanctuary)
Despite being treated for an inflamed gallbladder and an abscess when arriving, Tai is thriving in his new home. He is often spotted by sanctuary staff exploring his enclosure and enjoying a relaxed swim, and loves snacking on watermelon and dragon fruit in ice blocks. And it's all thanks to supporters like you.
Together we’re ending bear exploitation. Forever.
Thanks to you, bears who are rescued or surrendered from bile farms spend the rest of their lives in sanctuaries across Vietnam.

Bear facts
Did you know there are eight species of bears including the Asiatic black bear, sloth bear, sun bear, and brown bear?

Our wildlife work
Around the world, wild animals are being exploited. They’re hunted down, trapped and farmed in captivity, all to be sold and abused for entertainment, medicine, fashion, pets and products.