Calling on Expedia to stop selling holidays that harm elephants
Our team rallied outside Expedia’s Sydney office to demand they stop selling captive elephant accommodation at Mason Elephant Park and Lodge in Bali.
Despite calls from animal lovers, Expedia continues to promote and sell holidays that harm elephants in Bali. Our team gathered outside the travel company’s office in Sydney on the 12th of July to ask them to take a strong stand for animals in tourism.
Our team also distributed leaflets to Expedia’s employees and concerned bystanders to educate them about the issue.
This action comes a little after the release of our recent ‘Holidays that Harm’ report that exposed the cruelty and abuse faced by over 1,300 animals in tourism across 34 wildlife venues in Bali and Lombok.
It also shined a light on the heartbreaking plight of the elephants at Mason Elephant Park and Lodge, who are forced to give backbreaking rides each day while being threatened with sharp bullhooks.
What’s truly shocking is that some of these gentle giants are often short chained on hard, concrete ‘resting’ pads without shade even on extremely hot days.
But what’s even more horrifying is that travel companies like Expedia, who have an animal welfare policy, continue selling this captive elephant venue in Bali.
Will you please be the voice of elephants by signing this petition that directly calls on Mason Elephant Park and Lodge to stop exploiting elephants in the name of conservation and wildlife tourism?
Together, we can end the suffering of animals in tourism and give them a life worth living.
Travel companies like Expedia, who have an animal welfare policy, continue selling this captive elephant venue in Bali.